I went to Sweden (Skåne) to visit some family, and they brought me to a place deep in the forrest, where people, back in the old days, used to go and get rid of their elders by pushing them over a big rock when they could no longer contribute to the community.
This gave me the inspriration for this painting.
So very awesome, James.. Very Fall.. In more than one sense.
You, my friend have a very dope and unique style, just awesome!!!
I'm so glad i found this Blog!
haha, stakkels kone. Sådan går det når man ikke har en pensionsopsparring. Fed tegning
ahahah! that is insane, people wold do that to old folk! I love the way you have depicted it though, its really cool. Your style is seriously dope man, I'll keep coming back for sure! Keep creating!
you should illustrate a book!
super sej jamie!
Cool, Mr. Holmes
Deres alvorlige og "nødvendige" ansigtsudtryk er fantastiske. Det er tydeligt en barsk virkelighed de lever i. Super flot illustration.
Wow! Very very nice. So colorful. An artist of tact. Congratulations. An achievement I'd gladly stamp on a shirt of mine.
Hi Fernando!
Thanks for tuninng in and thanks for your commets.
Much obliged.
Ha, that's awesome! Not a fate I would enjoy.
Thanks for kind words on my blog, man!
Fantastisk! Hvor er du go Jamie, det vidste jeg slet ikke...
Kh Sabine
its just an expression when you feel old. Ätterstupet have ever existed.
Of corse it existed.
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